Mighty Engine founded.
Helped rebrand Chicanos Por La Causa, one of the largest Latino nonprofits in the country.
Dr. Heseung Song begins her role as Chief Executive Officer.
Planning begins for the HomeFront Greater Philadelphia Conference, a gathering of regional leaders to discuss a unified approach to security.
Moved to Science Center to support regional advancements in life sciences. Science Center, Quorum and biotechs continue using branding we develop to this day.
Steven Sonntag joins as Head Writer.
Yahoo ranks our revamped Philadelphia tourism site #1. VisitPhilly.com remains one of region's most-visited sites 22 years later.
Played a key role in organizing regional biotech conference. Branded and provided communications support for BioAdvance, an investment fund for transformative life science companies, which has since supported over 115 companies and the development of 12 FDA-approved products.
As PHLCVB's agency of record, supported efforts that generated millions through business meetings and international leisure travel.
Rebranding of the Philadelphia Marathon helped secure top-tier sponsorships and triple the number of runners during our eight-year run.
Jennifer Krout joins as Operations Manager.
Think Outside, a listening campaign we designed and led, helped stakeholders secure unprecedented grants for sustainable ecotourism.
Developed the new brand for ForeverFamily, an Atlanta-based nonprofit seen as a national leader in providing compassionate care for the children of incarcerated mothers, to support the replication of their model in other cities.
Rebranded Taller Puertorriqueño "El Corazón Cultural del Barrio" (The Cultural Heart of Latino Philadelphia). The arts organization continues to embrace this tagline.
Rebranded C2 Education’s tutoring centers offering academic support, test prep and college counseling, helping it to expand to 135 centers across 15 states and Canada.
New tagline—BE SMARTER—inverted profile of center students, from those who need extra help to those who actively seek it because that's what smarter students do.
Moved to Old City and worked with a neighborhood committee to develop their new "Independent by Design" branding to attract new residents, visitors and investment.
Played significant role in promoting the newly-expanded Pennsylvania Convention Center, helping secure more than $4 billion in future meetings and conferences.
At Philly Tech Week, promoted the Philly KEYSPOT initiative we designed to narrow the city's digital divide.
Launched a campaign to reach families whose children suffered sexual abuse by Delaware pediatrician, which lead to a $123 million class action settlement.
Learning Loves Company, the Mayor's Commission on Literacy campaign we designed to recruit volunteers to promote adult literacy, applauded for its emphasis on the joy found in mutual learning—all within Philly-branded settings.
Selected as the lead branding and strategic communications agency for Read by 4th to help jumpstart the nation's largest regional coalition of early-literacy advocates and promote its partners and events, eventually including the Reading Captains, Free Library of Philadelphia's Reading Champs and Summer of Wonder and Reading Promise Week.
Then-mayor Michael Nutter applauds Philly Powered campaign we designed for Philadelphians to encourage other Philadelphians to add physical activity into their daily routines, taking advantage of free or low-cost activities near them.
Our CEO meets with Sharif El-Mekki (then principal at Mastery Charter School at Shoemaker), starting a productive and enduring relationship that propelled launching of the Center for Black Educator Development and its mission to rebuild the national Black teacher pipeline.
In partnership with Drs. John Rich and Ted Corbin, our OUR WORDS HEAL campaign helps shift trauma framework from "trauma informed" to healing.
The Right Books campaign we designed as a fundraising effort to provide a leveled and culturally-competent library for every K-3 classroom in the Philadelphia reached its goal of $3.5 million a year early. By the following year, standardized test scores for reading increased by five percentage points.
Provided strategic communications support to Philadelphia Community Empowerment Office, whose mission is to promote racial equity, greater financial stability, and self-sufficiency for the city’s most vulnerable populations.
Provided market research support to School District to guide the development of a kindergarten registration campaign.
Supported strategic communications of new (and completely non-controversial) Philly D.A. Larry Krasner, including launching a rebuilt website.
Led focus groups on teacher recruitment and retention, the results of which were shared with the Philadelphia School District to inform their teacher pipeline efforts.
We helped historic Christ Church secure the funds—months ahead of their deadline and amounts larger than originally targeted—to "restore America's steeple," which was in desperate need of repair.
Assisted Maria Toorpakai, once the highest ranked female squash player in Pakistan who dressed like a boy until she was 16 to play competitive sports, to set up a foundation encouraging families to educate girls and allow them to play sports.
Moved to the Pipeline.
Created for the Free Library of Philadelphia "Summer of Wonder" campaign and designed the "Reading Champs" year-long playful-learning activities booklet. Distributed 25,000 copies of Reading Champs to families across the city during the pandemic.
Led the Come Aboard the Reading Promise campaign to reach families during their routine public-transit commutes with playful-learning reading prompts at subway stations, train cars, bus shelters and buses to spur on early-literacy experiences for families in alternative spaces
Partnering with the Philadelphia Department of Public Health, we developed the "IF I CAN QUIT, SO CAN YOU" peer-to-peer campaign modeled after the CDC's "Tips from Former Smokers" to encourage people to quit smoking by featuring real former smokers they can relate to.
Rebuilt the local United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey website as a national model to support its renewed focus on combating poverty.
Began a long-term partnership with the United Negro College Fund, helping them advance the mission of their Institute for Capacity Building, which is to partner with Black colleges and universities to propel a shared pursuit of student success, community advancement and the fight for racial-justice equity.
Assisted the Harpswell Foundation, a nonprofit based in the U.S. that promotes educational equity for women in Southeast Asia, on a comprehensive rebranding effort and new website to better deliver their messaging to stakeholders.
Makiah Stevens joins as Assistant Producer.
Temi Oshadiya joins as Project Manager.
Planning begins for Right2ReadPhilly, novel research-backed campaign designed to promote fun, free and easy activities families can do together to promote literacy and early childhood development.
Right2ReadPhilly piloted interventions—Simple Signs and the Freedom Schools Alphabet Song—created to break through the busyness and distractions of life to engage Philly families by leveraging under-recognized, under-appreciated, under tapped, under-studied and under-shared concepts and strategies of marginalized communities of which many Philly families are a part.
Branded and developed outreach strategies and a website for Philly 5000, an initiative targeting low-income first-time homebuyers across the city.
Laureen Wong joins as Art Director.
At last count, Right2ReadPhilly campaign reaches a minimum of 100,000 people, a conservative estimate based on over 2,399,679 media impressions, underscoring that Philly families will engage in playful learning that is easy, fun and free.
Helped Philly Joy Bank develop a targeted outreach campaign and website for a guaranteed-income pilot program for 250 pregnant Philadelphians from select neighborhoods.
Increasingly focused on helping our clients reinforce their messaging in the face of determined misinformation.
Moved to the Industrious coworking space in the Fashion District.
Lauren Bryant joins as Graphic Designer.
Alexander Falconer joins as Senior Visual Designer.
Supported UNCF on the editing and design of Flourishing: Bolstering the Mental Health of Students at HBCUs and other Predominantly Black Institutions.
Actively seeking funds for Right2ReadPhilly FAMILY WONDER SERIES, playful-learning-together workshops designed for the whole family, striving to fill a major gap in regional offerings.
Celebrating 25th year with launch of new branding, including a new logo our team insists on calling "Richard Gear," a new website and four community events. Come join us!